Municipality of Codogno
The public buildings of Codogno automated in a single network.
Numbers Of the Project
Automated municipal sites
Managed telematic points
Work beginning
On the territory of the Municipality of Codogno, ten public buildings are managed by Swiss Control System controllers.
Tecnozenith was responsible for the design, installation and testing of this BMS system and for which it carried out a revamping, an extraordinary maintenance to still ensure its full and effective functionality after years.
Sports centers, schools, the town hall and other buildings for public purposes have a dedicated electrical panel for telematics in the thermal room, allowing remotely the manage the heating and cooling systems. All the sites are visible through a single central location, through the SCS F4 software, supplied to the maintenance company and to the municipality itself, to view the parameters.
To communicate to the various controllers, there is a single VPN throughout the municipal area, which manages the various controllers as if it were a large local network, with the possibility of dialogue between controllers located in buildings even kilometers away.
Through the climatic modulation of the boilers via an external temperature probe, the possibility of scheduling weekly departures and the modulation of mixing valves to send water to the systems in the right desired temperature, the BMS system spread over multiple buildings leads not only to better and timely management of the systems, but also to a saving from the point of view of source consumption and therefore a lower impact on the environment.