The State Archives of Alessandria, in its new location inside the former Valfrè Barracks, now has a new telematics system managing the HVAC systems

Tecnozenith has in fact installed two Swiss Control System EXD10 controllers, with their expansions, for the automatic and centralized management of heating, cooling and ventilation.
The Alessandria's office is added to the other four Piedmont Archives that already use SCS in their systems: Turin, Cuneo and Biella.
The EXD10s present in the Valfrè barracks allow you to manage the heat pump and air handling unit and to display the thermal values from the temperature, humidity, pressure and air speed probes.

Thanks to the versatility of the EXD10 controller, third-party devices, such as pumps and multimeters, are interfaced via Modbus, and the parameters are returned in a single synoptic, and BACnet protocols.
The graphic pages created are intuitive for the user and allow a simple and fast management of the systems, at any time.